Friday, July 1, 2016

Alcohol Addiction And The Effects On Your Health

Alcohol addiction, or Alcoholism, is a widespread problem throughout the entire world. It affects all cultures, races, ages and economic groups. The ease of obtaining alcohol, along with social acceptance of drinking in general, encourages the possibility of those who drink to form an addiction.

An addiction to alcohol is sometimes difficult to identify because the effects vary so widely from person to person and drinking, even heavy drinking at times, is such common practice that there is a fine line between someone who drinks and someone who is addicted to alcohol.

There are general warning signs that go along with this addiction. If you or someone you know exhibits some of these signs, it may indicate a dependence on alcohol. They include:

~Drinking to Relax or De-Stress

Many people use alcohol to unwind after a particularly long or difficult day, but if you are drinking every day just to relax or after every argument or stressful situation, there may be a problem.

~Alcohol Has Taken the Place of Other Activities

If you find yourself drinking or recovering from drinking in place of hobbies, spending time with family and friends or other activities you used to participate in, it could be a sign of addiction.


The need to drink more and more to achieve the same effect is a warning sign that you may be on your way to addiction.


Your body adapts to large or regular amounts of alcohol and if taken away, may react with symptoms such as shakiness, irritability, fatigue, headache, sweating or nausea. This is a clear indication of too much alcohol.

If these signs are present in your life, you may have an addiction to alcohol. It is important to get help right away before the condition worsens or any harm is done to yourself or someone you love. Seek out those you trust and get support to find a solution so you can live free from the dangerous bondage of alcohol.

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